Tamoxifen Tamoximed

Tamoxifen Tamoximed

Tamoximed is an effective anti-estrogenic drug with the property of increasing endogenous testosterone production. In sports practice effective used after and in the composition courses of steroids - to prevent and minimize the consequences. The appointment is a drug - antiestrogenic antitumor agent.


the Drug has a consonant its name active ingredient - tamoxifen. It is a synthetic antiestrogen, prescribed for estrogen breast cancer in women and breast tumors in men, and cancers of the ovaries, testicles, endometrium, prostate, sarcoma, melanoma and other diseases.

Characteristic Tamoximed (tamoxifen) is a selective (selective) blockers of estrogen receptors. The action is based on the ability to block estrogen receptors: the drug and some of its metabolites to compete for binding with estrogenic (female) hormones, thus, preventing and minimizing their negative effects (including on the arc hypothalamus-pituitary-testes that as a result positively affects the development of endogenous testosterone).

In sports practice Tamoximed 20 (Balkan Pharmaceuticals) is an analogue of the drugs clomiphene (Clostilbegyt, clomid, Clomifen etc. brand), that are also blockers of estrogen receptors, but more selective (tamoxifen is able to bind with receptors in almost all of the body and clomiphene - mainly in the pituitary gland and the ovaries use).

From the antiestrogen is anastrozole and letrozole (brand: Anestrogen, anastrozole; letrozole, etc.) the drug is much stronger. Characteristic they are represented by aromatase inhibitors, which differ not so much by the power of the effect, as mechanism of action (effect on the production of estrogen).

it is Important that reviews describe Tamoximed manufacturer Balcan Pharma laudatory, as the result of the drug quickly noticeable and confirmed by the tests, and their own side effects he is actually not typical. Rarely (often in cases of abuse) may develop side effects from the endocrine, digestive, Central nervous and other body systems.

HOW to TAKE Tamoximed?

Average tamoximed recommended doses range from 10 to 40 mg per day (respectively one half of tablet - 2 tablets per day). After ingestion the drug is rapidly absorbed: effective concentration (Cmax) is achieved for 4-7 hours. Application tamoximed 20 for post-cycle therapy (PCT) can effectively take a few weeks to an average of 3 weeks, which most athletes is sufficient to restore and consolidate the results of the course.

during the use of Tamoximed is able to effectively prevent the development of estrogen side effects like gynecomastia (lipomastia), as well as restore their own testosterone, which is highly valued by Amateur and professional sports, steroid use products.

He Tamoximed (tamoxifen) is not a steroid drug therefore safely be used during and after courses of steroids (dependent tasks). Alone does not exhibit anabolic and androgenic activity, but can indirectly (by increasing the level of testosterone with the required properties).

Also can indirectly induce fat burning and diuretic processes. Welcome tamoximed in bodybuilding, not accompanied by elevated risks of its own side effects, but to avoid the potential consequences is necessary to exclude contraindications: hypersensitivity to the substance or ingredients during pregnancy or lactation in women; with caution - diabetes, eye disorders, kidney failure, liver failure, thrombosis, thromboembolic diseases, hyperlipidemia, leukopenia, hypercalcemia, and other diseases.



Tamoximed is an effective anti-estrogenic drug with the property of increasing endogenous testosterone production. In sports practice effective used after and in the composition courses of steroids - to prevent and minimize the consequences. The appointment is a drug - antiestrogenic antitumor agent.


the Drug has a consonant its name active ingredient - tamoxifen. It is a synthetic antiestrogen, prescribed for estrogen breast cancer in women and breast tumors in men, and cancers of the ovaries, testicles, endometrium, prostate, sarcoma, melanoma and other diseases.

Characteristic Tamoximed (tamoxifen) is a selective (selective) blockers of estrogen receptors. The action is based on the ability to block estrogen receptors: the drug and some of its metabolites to compete for binding with estrogenic (female) hormones, thus, preventing and minimizing their negative effects (including on the arc hypothalamus-pituitary-testes that as a result positively affects the development of endogenous testosterone).

In sports practice Tamoximed 20 (Balkan Pharmaceuticals) is an analogue of the drugs clomiphene (Clostilbegyt, clomid, Clomifen etc. brand), that are also blockers of estrogen receptors, but more selective (tamoxifen is able to bind with receptors in almost all of the body and clomiphene - mainly in the pituitary gland and the ovaries use).

From the antiestrogen is anastrozole and letrozole (brand: Anestrogen, anastrozole; letrozole, etc.) the drug is much stronger. Characteristic they are represented by aromatase inhibitors, which differ not so much by the power of the effect, as mechanism of action (effect on the production of estrogen).

it is Important that reviews describe Tamoximed manufacturer Balcan Pharma laudatory, as the result of the drug quickly noticeable and confirmed by the tests, and their own side effects he is actually not typical. Rarely (often in cases of abuse) may develop side effects from the endocrine, digestive, Central nervous and other body systems.

HOW to TAKE Tamoximed?

Average tamoximed recommended doses range from 10 to 40 mg per day (respectively one half of tablet - 2 tablets per day). After ingestion the drug is rapidly absorbed: effective concentration (Cmax) is achieved for 4-7 hours. Application tamoximed 20 for post-cycle therapy (PCT) can effectively take a few weeks to an average of 3 weeks, which most athletes is sufficient to restore and consolidate the results of the course.

during the use of Tamoximed is able to effectively prevent the development of estrogen side effects like gynecomastia (lipomastia), as well as restore their own testosterone, which is highly valued by Amateur and professional sports, steroid use products.

He Tamoximed (tamoxifen) is not a steroid drug therefore safely be used during and after courses of steroids (dependent tasks). Alone does not exhibit anabolic and androgenic activity, but can indirectly (by increasing the level of testosterone with the required properties).

Also can indirectly induce fat burning and diuretic processes. Welcome tamoximed in bodybuilding, not accompanied by elevated risks of its own side effects, but to avoid the potential consequences is necessary to exclude contraindications: hypersensitivity to the substance or ingredients during pregnancy or lactation in women; with caution - diabetes, eye disorders, kidney failure, liver failure, thrombosis, thromboembolic diseases, hyperlipidemia, leukopenia, hypercalcemia, and other diseases.