Nootropic AMP citrate

Nootropic AMP citrate

This compound has a remarkable structural similarity to DMAA (1,3, Dimethylamylamine, DMAA, Methylhexanamine, Geranamine, geranium extract, geranium) - ingredient, once popular in many fat burners and pre-workout complexes. Thus, AMP citrate is now known as “new geranium”.

As mentioned above AMP citrate is a very close relative of 1,3-dimethylamylamine. The close relationship of these two compounds is best shown by the fact that AMP citrate (methylpetanamine) and DMAA (methylhexanamine) share the same basic structure, but DMAA contains more carbon in the skeletal structure. On the basis of this similarity, properties of AMP citrate are very similar to the properties of DMAA.

When consumed in small doses, AMP citrate is a strong Central nervous system stimulant that can help boost your energy level, focus, and metabolism. In other words, if you have been searching for an alternative, DMAA, AMP citrate a perfect replacement. The main advantage of AMP citrate before DMAA is that the first at recommended doses has a milder effect of stimulation and the almost complete absence of side effects.

Like its relative, DMAA, AMP citrate goes well with caffeine to provide a synergistic boost energy. In addition, it can be combined with typical ingredients of petrenkov, such as citrulline and beta-alanine, and fat burners such as L-carnitine and green tea extract.

What effects should I expect Severe psycho-physical stimulation Increase physical endurance Increase efficiency Improved mood Strengthening lipolysis (fat burning) Appetite suppression Increased focus and concentration Side effects and contraindications

due to the similarity with DMAA, side effects of AMP citrate are also quite similar. Large doses can cause feelings of palpitations, nervous tension, anxiety, dizziness, headache, and related symptoms.

Since AMP citrate is a relatively new ingredient, there is very little research concerning its effectiveness and safety. It is important to note that it is not recommended to consume more than the specified optimal doses, and use it in combination with alcohol, or separate products or food that contain stimulants.

Important! Do not use it in combination with alcohol! Drinking enough water. It is impossible to give children and pregnant women. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Not compliance with these instructions can cause damage to Your health. Methods of using AMP citrate

the Average daily recommended dosage of 100-200mg, for greater efficiency can be taken on an empty stomach with plenty of water. To enhance the fat burning process, it can be taken in the morning before Breakfast. Don't take the night (6 hours of sleep).



This compound has a remarkable structural similarity to DMAA (1,3, Dimethylamylamine, DMAA, Methylhexanamine, Geranamine, geranium extract, geranium) - ingredient, once popular in many fat burners and pre-workout complexes. Thus, AMP citrate is now known as “new geranium”.

As mentioned above AMP citrate is a very close relative of 1,3-dimethylamylamine. The close relationship of these two compounds is best shown by the fact that AMP citrate (methylpetanamine) and DMAA (methylhexanamine) share the same basic structure, but DMAA contains more carbon in the skeletal structure. On the basis of this similarity, properties of AMP citrate are very similar to the properties of DMAA.

When consumed in small doses, AMP citrate is a strong Central nervous system stimulant that can help boost your energy level, focus, and metabolism. In other words, if you have been searching for an alternative, DMAA, AMP citrate a perfect replacement. The main advantage of AMP citrate before DMAA is that the first at recommended doses has a milder effect of stimulation and the almost complete absence of side effects.

Like its relative, DMAA, AMP citrate goes well with caffeine to provide a synergistic boost energy. In addition, it can be combined with typical ingredients of petrenkov, such as citrulline and beta-alanine, and fat burners such as L-carnitine and green tea extract.

What effects should I expect Severe psycho-physical stimulation Increase physical endurance Increase efficiency Improved mood Strengthening lipolysis (fat burning) Appetite suppression Increased focus and concentration Side effects and contraindications

due to the similarity with DMAA, side effects of AMP citrate are also quite similar. Large doses can cause feelings of palpitations, nervous tension, anxiety, dizziness, headache, and related symptoms.

Since AMP citrate is a relatively new ingredient, there is very little research concerning its effectiveness and safety. It is important to note that it is not recommended to consume more than the specified optimal doses, and use it in combination with alcohol, or separate products or food that contain stimulants.

Important! Do not use it in combination with alcohol! Drinking enough water. It is impossible to give children and pregnant women. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Not compliance with these instructions can cause damage to Your health. Methods of using AMP citrate

the Average daily recommended dosage of 100-200mg, for greater efficiency can be taken on an empty stomach with plenty of water. To enhance the fat burning process, it can be taken in the morning before Breakfast. Don't take the night (6 hours of sleep).