Course Sustanon

Course Sustanon

This drug can be called a mixed ester of the male hormone testosterone. It includes four active ingredients, the main difference between them is the half-life. Steroid used in strength sports to gain muscle mass and increase power parameters.

course Description sustanon

Solo course sustanon is powerful enough. Due to the large half-life, you don't have to enter the anabolic. However, it should be remembered that the Netherlands has estrogenic activity, suggesting the necessity of using an aromatase inhibitor. We opted for anastrozole. It is a modern drug that would in a short time to reduce the concentration of female hormones.

with the gradual inclusion of the active substances, the Netherlands has a high rate of speed and for a long time affects the body. We have taken into account the views of people and now we offer you to buy a completely finished course of sustanon (Soest) solo on our website Moretesto. You no longer need to calculate the dosage by yourself, our specialists in the field of sports pharmacology has done it for You.

To whom suitable this course

Use sustanon can solo athletes who have already held several solo courses involving soft drugs. To start with the pharmaceutical industry with this steroid should not, as it is strong enough. The first time the body will respond well to light the AAS, for example, Turinabol. However, over time the impact of such courses will fall. It is at this point you can start to use sustanon-250.

Effects of course sustanon

Quick muscle mass gain is of average quality. A sharp increase in force parameters. The improvement in the overall tone. Strengthening health erectile function. Increase in sexual desire. Dosage and duration

the Duration of the drug can be limited to two months. As this course should not be the first, the body has to a certain extent adapted to the work of anabolic drugs. To put sustanon should be used twice a week, and one-time dose is 250 milligrams. In such numbers Soest will be effective and safe.

Starting from the 2nd week of the course, its composition should be administered anastrozole. Take this drug every second or third day in an amount of 0.5 milligrams. Don't forget that this course is strong enough and the PCT will be his mandatory component. 12-14 days after last injection of anabolic, begin taking clomid. The duration of rehabilitation therapy will be for one month. All this time, take 50-100mg mg of the estrogen according to the scheme: 7 days at 100mg and 23 days of 50 mg clomid.

the course includes:20ml sustanon
20тб anastrozole
clomid 40тб


This drug can be called a mixed ester of the male hormone testosterone. It includes four active ingredients, the main difference between them is the half-life. Steroid used in strength sports to gain muscle mass and increase power parameters.

course Description sustanon

Solo course sustanon is powerful enough. Due to the large half-life, you don't have to enter the anabolic. However, it should be remembered that the Netherlands has estrogenic activity, suggesting the necessity of using an aromatase inhibitor. We opted for anastrozole. It is a modern drug that would in a short time to reduce the concentration of female hormones.

with the gradual inclusion of the active substances, the Netherlands has a high rate of speed and for a long time affects the body. We have taken into account the views of people and now we offer you to buy a completely finished course of sustanon (Soest) solo on our website Moretesto. You no longer need to calculate the dosage by yourself, our specialists in the field of sports pharmacology has done it for You.

To whom suitable this course

Use sustanon can solo athletes who have already held several solo courses involving soft drugs. To start with the pharmaceutical industry with this steroid should not, as it is strong enough. The first time the body will respond well to light the AAS, for example, Turinabol. However, over time the impact of such courses will fall. It is at this point you can start to use sustanon-250.

Effects of course sustanon

Quick muscle mass gain is of average quality. A sharp increase in force parameters. The improvement in the overall tone. Strengthening health erectile function. Increase in sexual desire. Dosage and duration

the Duration of the drug can be limited to two months. As this course should not be the first, the body has to a certain extent adapted to the work of anabolic drugs. To put sustanon should be used twice a week, and one-time dose is 250 milligrams. In such numbers Soest will be effective and safe.

Starting from the 2nd week of the course, its composition should be administered anastrozole. Take this drug every second or third day in an amount of 0.5 milligrams. Don't forget that this course is strong enough and the PCT will be his mandatory component. 12-14 days after last injection of anabolic, begin taking clomid. The duration of rehabilitation therapy will be for one month. All this time, take 50-100mg mg of the estrogen according to the scheme: 7 days at 100mg and 23 days of 50 mg clomid.

the course includes:20ml sustanon
20тб anastrozole
clomid 40тб